Monday, January 16, 2012

Restrooms and watercoolers

If you have ever been on a roadtrip for longer than 2 hours than you know the importance of a clean restroom.  My husband's family lives in Dallas and I can tell you all of the best places to stop on I-45 (Buc-cee's is #1) for a potty break.  In running, it's not much different.  My RBF (run best friend) Erin and I map our routes out based on a pitstop.  While training for our first half-marathon in December, I think the people who worked at Burger King got sick of seeing us on Sunday mornings when we stopped to potty and refill our waterbottles.  Unfortunately, Burger King closed sometime in the last month.  I'm more of a Chick-Fil-A girl so I wasn't even aware of it's closing until I realized I was going to have to find a new pitstop.

Last week we decided to try a different route and run around the golf course near our house.  Being that both of us are married to football coaches that don't have the time to play golf, we had no idea that some golf courses have water stops along the cart path.  Imagine our surprise when at mile 7 of a 10 miler last week, we found somewhere to refill our water bottles.  Oh the JOY!!!!  You have no idea how refreshing ice cold water is until you are out of it during a run.

Then this morning, there it was, right there around the 5th hole, a restroom, in all it's glory.  Unfortunately, you had to have a code to unlock it.  Damn!!  Well, lucky for Erin and me, my kids are HUGE Dora the Explorer fans and I was able to communicate enough with the grounds keeper to get the code to open the door.

Compound this with the discovery of a watercooler to refill our water bottles we found last week and this route is runner HEAVEN!!!  I'm not sure how the golfers feel about us running on their cart path, but for right now this was just what we needed to complete our 12 mile run to prepare for our next half-marathon in 2 weeks.


Mileage count:  36.5

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