Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just a mom who runs

I am not an athlete, nor have I ever pretended to be.  I was the kid in elementary PE that had to tie her shoe every 10 yards during the Presidential Physical Fitness test.  The I was my high school mascot, not to be an athlete, but to be an "athletic supporter."  (warning:  I speak frequently in movie lines.)  The few times in my life that I was a member of a gym, I hopped around from machine to machine, probably never running further than half a mile on a treadmill before slowing to a walk.  You are probably asking yourself, "Why is she telling me all of this?"  Well, I'm telling you this because on January 3, 2011 something miraculous happened, I became a runner.  I laced up my running shoes and hit the pavement.  A friend challenged me to run a 5K with her so I made it my resolution.  So on that Monday morning I dressed in the 1 pair of running shorts that I owned, laced up the $50 pair of tennis shoes I had bought myself, a cute pair by the way, I was still doubtful I was going to be serious about the running thing, kissed the husband and girls goodbye and headed out "for a run."  I walked for 21 minutes before SLOWLY jogging for 9 minutes, but for the first time in my life I RAN!  It felt amazing, not because I was out of breath or sweaty, but because I ran and I didn't die.

Fast forward to today, January 14, 2012.  I now consider myself a full-blown runner.  I have completed 5 5K's, 1 10K, and a half-marathon.  I logged over 400 miles in 2011, thanks for keeping track runkeeper.  I have discovered I can do things I never knew I would be able to do.  I have spent more on a pair of running shoes than I have on any other shoes I've ever owned in my life.  And I have loved every minute of it.  Finally, I have something that is mine and I can do on my own.

At midnight New Year's Eve 2012, I toasted my running partner Kathy and told her my goal for the year was 1000 miles in 2012.  To help obtain that goal, I will be running 1 race a month.  Some will be 5K's (3.1 miles) some will be half-marathons (13.1 miles) and I may even do a few adventure races.  Who knows?  But either way I hope all  of you will join me on this journey.  This blog will be my outlet for my training runs good and bad, my race results, and for those days I want to hang up my shoes and go back to my couch potato ways.  I hope you will enjoy my journey, and maybe even join me along the way.

And in case you are wondering, I have run 24.5 miles in January so far.

As I tell myself during a tough run, "Come on!!"

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